At times, nature can play cruel tricks on us, particularly in the face of extreme weather conditions.
This unfortunate puppy was walking through one of Vladivostok’s streets in Russia when he was stricken by the exceedingly low temperatures. The hapless creature was caught off guard by the ice sheet that had formed over a sewer lid.

This valiant little dog extended his tongue to lap up the frozen iron surface, and his tongue became ensnared.
The occurrence was captured on video, which has since gone viral on social media platforms. It shows a kind-hearted bystander coming to the aid of this furry companion after spotting him “tethered” to the street drain cover with his tongue.

On that day in Russia’s Far East, the temperature hovered at around minus 15 degrees. The entire surroundings were inevitably frozen, but something caught the interest of this furry companion, and he yearned to taste it with his tongue.

This person, who was passing by the area, undoubtedly became a hero for the animal after pouring a little water on his tongue to free it.
The images depict the agony of the four-legged friend as he tries to unstick his trapped tongue without success. No matter how hard he pulls back, his tongue remains attached to the cover.
The look on the face of this small creature was one of terror due to its helpless situation of being unable to break free and experiencing pain.

Fortunately, at that exact moment, a kind passerby arrived at the scene and instead of turning a blind eye, he decided to help the poor dog out of his painful predicament.
The compassionate person poured the remaining water from his bottle onto the dog’s tongue and tried to soothe the frightened animal who was struggling to free himself.
When the water ran out without any success, the man quickly called for help and rushed to get more water to rescue the dog. Thankfully, the water had the desired effect and the dog’s tongue was freed within seconds.

The video captured the moments of the rescue, but it is unclear what happened after the dog was freed. However, it was reported that the dog was wagging his tail and appeared grateful for the help he received.
The man who rescued the dog made sure to check the dog’s tongue for injuries and petted him to calm him down. He even asked the dog to stick out his tongue again to make sure it was okay. The heartwarming rescue video has been shared widely on social media.
Don’t forget to share this heartwarming story with your loved ones!