Jesus Hueche, aged 28, suffered injuries while he was cutting a tree outside his house in Baha Blanca, Argentina. In times of trouble, his loyal dog Tony proved his unwavering love for his family.
Tony was terrified and refused to leave the side of his owner, who had fallen unconscious due to a strong blow to his head from the fall.
Upon the arrival of the paramedics, they found Tony snuggled up next to Jesus, and they proceeded to provide him with a brace as the dog continued to comfort and assist him.

The man eventually responded by giving Tony a reassuring pat on the back, letting him know that he was okay. As the paramedics prepared to load him onto the ambulance and take him to the hospital, Tony attempted to follow them.

Thankfully, Jesus had only sustained minor injuries and was soon discharged from the hospital. The pictures of the man’s dog staying by his side during the incident quickly spread across the internet.
Jesus shared that they found Tony on the street and decided to adopt him into their family. They gave him love and food, and now he has become an important member of their family. Tony also has a son named Thumb, who is Jesus’s grandson, and he loves him like his own son.
With a chuckle, Jesus shared:
“He’s my constant companion, sleeping on my bed until my partner takes him out. It was a bit of a scare because I had a slight back irritation and a small head injury. I climbed up a ladder to deal with a troublesome branch, and it was the last one before finishing the task.”
Jesus then added:
“At the time, I didn’t realize it, but I fainted when I fell. When I came to, my furry friend (referring to the dog) was on top of me, barking at the ambulance and rescue workers. Even as they were about to put a neck brace on me and move me onto the stretcher, my canine companion almost bit one of the people assisting me.”