Princess was almost euthanized before she was adopted by Jenny and Jimmy Desmond, who have a great passion for animals. Princess quickly learned this and became a helpful dog who brings comfort to the chimpanzees that have lost their family members in a natural way.
Princess believes that everyone deserves a second chance in life, which is why she is so dedicated to the well-being of these primates. She was rescued from a sanctuary when she was only one year old.

Princess immediately took a liking to the Desmonds when they first came to see her; the beautiful dog tried to get their attention to let them know she wanted to be adopted by them, and she was successful.

The Desmonds decided to undertake a journey to 10 different countries to assist numerous animals, showcasing their profound love for these creatures.

When many chimpanzees were left behind by the New York City Blood Center, the Desmonds were furious and decided to take charge of the situation with the aid of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and other local rescue groups.

The Desmonds (including Princess) journeyed to Liberia to continue their efforts to support the abandoned primates, and also to provide shelter and rehabilitation for wildlife that has been unlawfully killed.

They are presently taking care of a group of five lovely chimpanzees; this group enjoys the great gift of animal companionship. The dog provides comfort to the chimpanzees, making them feel at ease and surrounded by love and peacefulness.
Jenny Desmond said: “Our aim is to rehabilitate them in Liberia so that they can live with their own chimp family, where they truly belong.”

“Princess provides chimps with a safe haven to call “home,” giving her all to these animals. She helps them prepare for possible integration into a new chimp family at the rescue center.”
Jenny stated: One of the Desmonds’ major objectives is to establish the first chimpanzee sanctuary in Liberia, which they are relying on several partners for, including the HSUS and the Liberian Forest Development Authority.

“We have a list of chimpanzees waiting to be rescued, and we will bring them to our shelter as soon as we have the means to do so. Our goal is to provide them with care and the opportunity to live their lives with other rescued chimpanzees, rather than with humans.”